
Product Problem Resolution System

Product Problem Resolution System

The disjointed operations across different departments resulted in inefficiencies and customer dissatisfaction. Identifying the need for a seamless, integrated solution, the IT team turned to the capabilities of Microsoft’s Power Platform, SharePoint, and Dataverse and Time Extender.


Customer is in to developing specialized products but were struggling by manual processes in handling customer complaints and identifying problems from different regions spread across the world.


Manual and Scattered Processes: Complaint registration and resolution relied heavily on emails and varied forms.
Delayed Communication: A lack of a unified system meant slow complaint status updates.
Absence of Centralized Data Storage: Vital complaint data was dispersed across sheets, making analyses and retrievals cumbersome.
Lack of Data Analytics Infrastructure: Vital insights into complaint trends and resolutions were missed due to a lack of structured analytics.


Integrating Power Platform, SharePoint, and Dataverse and TimeExtender

Customer embarked on a digital transformation journey, leveraging Microsoft’s power platform.

Key Features & Implementations

  1. Power Apps for Digital Complaint Registration: A custom app was developed using Power Apps. This allowed salespeople to register complaints seamlessly via an intuitive interface.
  2. SharePoint Integration: Complaint data was stored and managed in SharePoint lists, ensuring centralized data access and management.
  3. Automated Workflows with Power Automate: Processes like complaint progression, technician assignment, and resolution status updates were automated using Power Automate, reducing manual interventions.
  4. Dataverse for Data Storage: Leveraging Dataverse’s robust data management capabilities, structured complaint data was stored for advanced analytics and secure accessibility.
  5. Power BI for Data Visualization & Analytics: Integration with Power BI provided dynamic dashboards, offering insights into complaint trends, technician feedback, and resolution timelines.

User Journeys

Incorporating the Microsoft ecosystem ensured that every stakeholder experienced enhanced functionalities:

  • Salespersons: Utilized Power Apps for complaint registration and monitored status via SharePoint lists.
  • Complaint Committee: Accessed centralized data on SharePoint, and used Power Automate for technician assignment and complaint categorization.
  • Technicians: Received assignments via Power Automate notifications and updated resolutions in real-time using mobile-friendly Power Apps.
  • Management & R&D: Benefited from Power BI’s analytics, which offered actionable insights derived from Dataverse-stored information.


  1. Enhanced User Experience: The combination of Power Apps and SharePoint provided a streamlined and user-friendly experience.
  2. Cost and Time Efficiency: Power Automate’s workflows reduced manual touchpoints, and Dataverse ensured rapid data retrievals.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Power BI, powered by Dataverse, offered deep insights that facilitated informed decision-making.
  4. Centralized Data Management: SharePoint and Dataverse collaboratively ensured a single source of truth for all complaint data.

Data Visualization Enhancements with Power BI

  • Interactive Dashboards: Users could delve into specific data points, providing more profound insights.
  • Trend Analysis: Visualization of complaint trends allowed for proactive issue identification and resolution.
  • Feedback Analysis: Visual representation of customer feedback highlighted areas of excellence and areas of improvement.
  • R&D Insights: Visualization tools empowered the R&D team to pinpoint product challenges and design improvements.


By harnessing the capabilities of Microsoft’s Power Platform, SharePoint, and Dataverse and tight integration with Time Extender ETL, customer revolutionized its customer complaint resolution process. This holistic approach, grounded in modern technology, elevated service standards, reaffirming its commitment to excellence and innovation.


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Process Improvement Request Tracker

Process Improvement Request Tracker

Develop a holistic digital environment for the Kaizen request process, from ideation to execution. This platform promises to enhance transparency, quicken timelines, and produce actionable data insights — in true spirit with Kaizen principles.


Continual improvement is non-negotiable!

Customer: Global Heath Exchanger Manufacturer
Objective: Digitize, track and implement Kaizen requests


In the traditional system, once a Kaizen request is initiated, it is manually routed through various stages including validation, approvals, and implementation. Due to the manual nature of this process, many requests faced significant delays, particularly during the validation and approval stages.

Current conventional Kaizen request approaches:

  • Lack efficiency and heavily rely on manual input.
  • Encounter miscommunications due to a disjointed communication framework.
  • Struggle with tracking and implementing broader organizational improvements.

These delays were often caused by:

  • Validators or approvers being unaware of new requests.
  • No system in place to prioritize or flag urgent requests.
  • Cumbersome back-and-forths due to lack of clarity or missing information.


Originator Interface: Tailor-made Power Apps interface integrated with SharePoint Lists for traceability.
Validator Interface: Automated notifications via Power Automate with a custom Power Apps interface for validation.
Approver Interface: Power Automate drives the workflow, with Power Apps providing an interaction overview.
Implementer Interface: Power Apps dashboard presents prior interactions, with Power BI updating request statuses.
Analytics & Dashboard: Power BI synergizes with SharePoint Lists for a dynamic dashboard, providing holistic insights


Current Process State:
Manual Intake and Physical handovers risk delays and information loss.
Verbal/Written feedback elongates timelines.
Manual Approvals may lead to miscommunications.
Implementations occur without traceability.
Data is stored in disparate locations.

Future Digital Process State:
Standardized data capture via Power Apps.
Power Automate ensures instant availability to validators and streamlines the request process.
Transparent Feedback Loops via Power Apps.
Streamlined approvals through the same platform.
Centralized Data Storage on SharePoint Online.

User Journeys:
Originator: Recognizes process flaws, uses Power App to submit observations, and transitions to the waiting phase.
Validator: Prompted by notifications, assesses the submission via Power App, and concludes by forwarding or returning the request.
Approver: Reviews previous interactions and approves or declines the request.
Implementer: Focuses on execution using all prior data and updates the system upon task completion.

Technology Stack:
Microsoft Power Platform: Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI
SharePoint Online: Data integrity, accessibility, and integration


Putting in place the all-encompassing digital space for Kaizen requests has led to:
Better efficiency:
Processing time has been cut down by a large amount since human processes were replaced with digital ones.
Better communication: Automated feedback loops and alerts have made it easier for people to work together and cut down on misunderstandings.
Centralized data keeping makes it possible to keep track of requests in real time, which improves tracking and makes sure that everyone is responsible.
Actionable insights: Power BI screens give you a lot of information about analytics, which helps you make smart decisions and keep getting better.


Integrating Kaizen principles with tech stack elevates the very idea of continuous improvement. Embracing this change empowers organizations to be forward-thinking, data-centric, and swift in their quest for unparalleled operational excellence.


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Streamlining HR Data Management and Analytics

Streamlining HR Data Management and Analytics

A leading multinational corporation, aimed to achieve a more efficient, seamless, and comprehensive HR data management system. They required an approach that not only presented data effectively but also kept data processing overheads minimal in their visualization platform. To meet these needs, Company collaborated with Parallel Minds, leveraging our expertise with Power Platform, Time Extender and AI.


Customer: Equipment manufacturer company having different plants in Sweden, China, USA, India, South Korea and Brazil.
Objective: HR Data visualization and HR data analytics.


  1. The company struggled with decentralized HR data sources, leading to data inconsistencies and access issues.
  2. Manually pulling HR data from 3 different systems including Bamboo HRMS for analysis was time-consuming and prone to errors.
  3. The HR team had limited real-time interaction with data, restricting their ability to garner on-the-fly insights.
  4. Heavy data processing in excel caused performance lags, affecting user experience.
  5. Realtime HR data visualization was not available and the HR team in different regions had to filter regional data and then process in excel and develop own visualizations.


Solution with Power Automate, Time Extender, and Power BI

To address these challenges, Parallel Minds initiated the following steps:

  1. Integration with Bamboo HRMS API and MAPICS ERP via Power Automate: Power Automate was employed to establish a seamless connection to the Bamboo HRMS API, automating the process of fetching comprehensive employee records.
  2. Data Management in Time Extender: Once the data was retrieved, a dedicated data block was set up in Time Extender. This provided a structured framework for data, ensuring consistency and ease of access.
  3. Development of KPIs in Time Extender: By leveraging the capabilities of Time Extender, various data measures and KPIs were developed. This enabled data to be pre-processed, ensuring that Power BI only had to focus on visualization without the additional overhead of data processing.
  4. Visualization in Power BI: The pre-processed data from TimeExtender was directly consumed by Power BI, keeping the visualizations lightweight and enhancing performance. The integration of the Q&A feature further amplified the interactive capabilities, allowing users to derive instant insights from the data.


Implementation with Power Automate, Time Extender, and Power BI

  1. Integration with Bamboo HRMS API and MAPICS ERP via Power Automate: The implementation entails configuring Power Automate to establish connections with Bamboo HRMS API and MAPICS ERP. Tasks include defining triggers for data retrieval, specifying actions for data processing, and integrating fetched data into a unified format for further processing.

  2. Data Management in Time Extender: Implementing a dedicated data block within Time Extender involves setting up the environment to receive, store, and manage data from Bamboo HRMS API and MAPICS ERP. This includes defining data models, schemas, and access controls to ensure efficient data handling within Time Extender.

  3. Development of KPIs in Time Extender: Implementation of KPIs within Time Extender requires defining relevant metrics and calculations based on the integrated data. This includes configuring data transformations, aggregations, and calculations to derive actionable insights and performance metrics from the consolidated dataset.

  4. Visualization in Power BI: Implementing data visualization in Power BI involves connecting to the pre-processed data from Time Extender and designing interactive dashboards and reports. Tasks include creating visualizations based on defined KPIs, configuring the Q&A feature for natural language interaction, and optimizing visualizations for performance and usability.


With the new system in place:

  1. The company reported a 80% improvement in data retrieval and management efficiency.
  2. The HR data analysis became real-time with the Q&A feature in Power BI, improving the decision-making process.
  3. The lightweight nature of Power BI visualizations, devoid of heavy processing, ensured faster load times and an enhanced user experience.
  4. A more streamlined approach to HR data management led to consistent, up-to-date, and reliable data insights.
  5. The company experienced a marked reduction in data discrepancies, ensuring that HR strategies were based on accurate and timely information.


The strategic collaboration Parallel Minds, using Power Automate, TimeExtender, and Power BI, revolutionized the HR data landscape for the customer.

By decentralizing data processing from visualization and automating data retrieval, the company could optimize performance, achieve real-time insights, and enhance overall HR data management efficiency.

The success story demonstrates the power of integrating advanced technological solutions like Microsoft Low Code Noce Code power platform with a keen understanding of business needs.


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VSM / Digital Transformation

VSM / Digital Transformation

This case study outlines how a global heat exchanger company overcame operational hurdles with Low-Code, No-Code solutions like Microsoft’s Power Platform and SharePoint. By implementing VSM (Value Stream Mapping), they streamlined workflows, enhanced order tracking, and improved analytics. Post-implementation, they experienced increased transparency, reduced onboarding times, and a shift towards LEAN manufacturing.


A global heat exchanger company, was struggling with challenges in recording new orders, tracking their progress, and providing real-time analytics to senior management. Their journey to operational excellence was catalyzed by the introduction of VSM – comprehensive LCNC workflow system underpinned by SharePoint and Microsoft’s Power Platform.

Objective: Digitize the lead to order to delivery tracking process


Customers business operations were mired in manual procedures, lacking standardization, and providing limited visibility into order progress and essential metrics. This opaque landscape was further exacerbated by fragmented communication channels and the underutilized ERP system.


Parallel Minds, in collaboration with customers digitalization team, harnessed the power of LCNC, leveraging Microsoft’s Power Platform to engineer VSM—a streamlined workflow system.

Key Features of VSM Developed Using LCNC
Centralized Workflow: A 14-stage business process workflow developed using Power App, ensuring consistent processes and accountability across regions.

Unified Order Management: SharePoint’s centralized platform for efficient order recording and real-time tracking.
Automated Alerts: The Power Automate/Flow system efficiently managed escalation and notification timelines, customized to user locations and roles.
Dashboard Analytics: The Power BI dashboard furnished comprehensive analytics, providing insights into key metrics like inventory status, order progress, and on-time delivery.

Role of SharePoint
Beyond the LCNC strategy, SharePoint was utilized as the cohesive platform bringing together all users and providing a singular platform for end-users and management across regions.

Value Delivered by Parallel Minds
Parallel Minds did offer a technical solution but also shaped the transformation journey of the customer.

  1. Deep Dive Process Expertise: Parallel Minds infused the project with invaluable process insights, driving optimization at every stage.
  2. Future-focused Enhancement: With pre-trained experts, Parallel Minds ensured that the VSM system was built with future scalability and continuous improvement in mind.


The VSM system was built on a robust tech stack, with LCNC at its core. The technologies harnessed included Power App, Power Automate/Flow, SharePoint, Power BI, Azure Security Group, and Dynamic 365 User Group.


  • Elevated operational transparency.
  • A reduced onboarding timeline for new plants from months to mere days.
  • Transition to LEAN manufacturing underpinned by the virtues of standardization, accountability, and visibility.


Through the embrace of LCNC with SharePoint and the Power Platform, customer not only addressed its operational challenges but achieved operational excellence. This transformation underscores the power of LCNC, revealing its potential to revolutionize enterprise workflows.


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Vehicle Testing Management

Vehicle Testing Management

Leveraging a Blend of Low-Code, No-Code Solutions and Traditional Development for Effective Vehicle Testing Management


Customer: Leading Global Automobile Manufacturer
Objective: Overhaul and Optimize Vehicle Testing Process and Management
Struggles: Inefficiencies and inconsistencies in vehicle testing processes
Solution Approach: Hybrid of Low Code No Code (LCNC) Microsoft Power Platform and traditional development tools like ASP.NET Core and SQL Server


Manual Overhead: The client depended heavily on manual testing operations, making them time-intensive and error-prone.
Data Management Bottlenecks: Storing and retrieving test data, including defect logs, became cumbersome due to a lack of a centralized database.
Communication Gaps: Fragmented channels of communication between various departments impeded the swift resolution of defects and challenges.


Rapid Development with LCNC: Leveraging the Microsoft Power Platform for quick iterations, tailored solutions, and real-time adaptive changes.
Data Structuring with ASP.NET Core & SQL Server: Utilizing these robust tools for seamless data integration, management, and retrieval, enhancing data consistency and accuracy.
Enhanced Visualization with Power BI: Transforming raw data into insightful dashboards for actionable intelligence, monitoring test progress and quality metrics effortlessly.
Optimized Communication: Implementing automated workflows to foster better inter-departmental communication, ensuring timely defect detection and rectification.


Leveraged LCNC and Traditional Development Tools: Utilized a hybrid approach combining LCNC Microsoft Power Platform with ASP.NET Core and SQL Server.
Developed Rapidly with LCNC: Utilized the agility of the Power Platform for quick iterations and tailored solutions.
Enhanced Data Management with Traditional Tools: Employed ASP.NET Core & SQL Server for robust data structuring, integration, and management.
Implemented Real-time Visualization with Power BI: Transformed raw data into actionable insights through Power BI dashboards.
Automated Workflows for Communication Optimization: Implemented automated workflows to facilitate better inter-departmental communication and defect resolution.


Efficiency Surge: The vehicle testing process saw a 60% improvement in efficiency, reducing the cycle time. The Engineers actually re purposed their time for Engineering work than maintaining excels.
Cost Savings: A reduction in manual errors and the automated processes resulted in a 40% decrease in operational costs.
Enhanced Accuracy: Data errors plunged by 70%
Productivity Boost: Staff productivity improved by 50% due to streamlined operations and clearer communication.


Parallel Minds’ innovative blend of the Microsoft Power Platform’s LCNC capabilities with the robustness of ASP.NET Core, SQL Server, and Power BI brought a transformational shift to the client’s vehicle testing process.


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Parallel Mind has been assisting Fortune 500 companies and established brands in building robust software foundations for over 16 years.

Complaint Management System​

Complaint Management System​

The solution is meant for the Customer that have vast geographical expanse and operational diversity, facing challenges in standardizing and managing external customer complaints. This study explores the design and implementation of a comprehensive web system leveraging Microsoft’s Power Platform and SharePoint Online.

The goal is to streamline complaint registration, ensure timely response, provide global oversight, and automate reporting functionalities.


The organization faces operational inconsistencies due to a diverse structure spread across regions, leading to varying complaint processes. The focus on product complaints lacks a unified approach, with a need for streamlined documentation and rapid reporting within a one-week window. Essential data, including product details, is dispersed, hindering global oversight. Automation for quarterly summaries is imperative for consistent feedback. A solution is required to standardize processes, enhance documentation, and centralize data access for improved efficiency.






The collaboration between the customer IT and digital operations team and Parallel Minds can pave the way for a holistic solution tailored to the customer needs. With Power Apps facilitating user interactions, SharePoint managing data, and Power Automate handling workflows, external customer complaint management transformed, setting a new standard in efficiency and consistency.


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Parallel Mind has been assisting Fortune 500 companies and established brands in building robust software foundations for over 16 years.