Oil & Gas

Bottom Hole Assembler & Validation App

Bottom Hole Assembler & Validation App

Overview OGEMS (Oil & Gas Enterprise Mobile Solutions Suite) developed by Parallel Minds for clients is a comprehensive suite of enterprise mobile apps designed to address various challenges faced by the oil and gas industry. With a focus on improving business productivity, reducing sales cycle time, enhancing equipment rental processes, and integrating off-shore and on-shore […]


OGEMS (Oil & Gas Enterprise Mobile Solutions Suite) developed by Parallel Minds for clients is a comprehensive suite of enterprise mobile apps designed to address various challenges faced by the oil and gas industry. With a focus on improving business productivity, reducing sales cycle time, enhancing equipment rental processes, and integrating off-shore and on-shore operations, OGEMS has become a game-changer in the industry. This case study highlights the impact of OGEMS and Parallel Minds’ expertise in developing enterprise mobile apps specific to the oil and gas domain.


Prior to the implementation of OGEMS, the process of assembling and validating a Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) in the oil and gas industry was complex and time-consuming. Engineers had to manually collaborate, select components, and ensure compliance with well profiles and various drilling conditions. This process often involved multiple iterations and lacked a standardized approach, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and potential non-compliance.

As part of the OGEMS suite, Parallel Minds developed the BHA Assembler and Validator app to streamline and optimize the BHA assembly process. This app introduced the following features, simplifying and enhancing the BHA assembly and validation:

  • Collaborative Component Placement: The app allowed engineers to collaborate and place various components to create a custom BHA. Multiple users could work together in real-time, ensuring efficient collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Guided Assembly for Well Profiles and Drilling Condition: The app guided collaborating users in creating and placing the BHA components specific to the well profile and various drilling conditions. This ensured that the assembled BHA was optimized for the specific operational requirements.
  • CAD Model Interface and Component Selection: The app provided an interface for engineers to browse through various CAD models of BHA components. Engineers could select a particular component from the catalog and place it in the main assembly, visualizing the BHA in a digital representation.
  • Cloud-Based Rule Engine Validation: Once the BHA assembly was complete, the engineer submitted the configuration to a cloud-based rule engine for validation. The rule engine performed automated checks and validations based on industry standards and compliance requirements.
  • Validation Report and Corrective Actions: The rule engine generated a comprehensive validation report, indicating compliance or non-compliance with regulations and standards. In case of non-compliance, the report also provided possible corrective actions to rectify the issues identified.


The implementation of the BHA Assembler and Validator app within the OGEMS suite resulted in significant improvements in the BHA assembly process, leading to several benefits, including:

  • Efficient Collaboration: The app’s collaborative features allowed engineers to work together in real-time, improving communication, knowledge sharing, and efficiency in the BHA assembly process.
  • Standardized Assembly Process: The guided assembly process ensured adherence to well profiles and drilling conditions, eliminating guesswork and reducing the risk of errors. This standardized approach resulted in consistent and compliant BHA configurations.
  • Time Savings and Operational Efficiency: The app streamlined the BHA assembly process, reducing the time required for component selection, placement, and validation. This led to improved operational efficiency and faster turnaround times.
  • Enhanced Compliance and Risk Mitigation: The automated rule engine validation and the generated validation report ensured compliance with industry standards and regulations. By identifying non-compliance issues and providing corrective actions, the app helped mitigate risks associated with non-compliant BHAs.


The implementation of the BHA Assembler and Validator app within OGEMS resulted in measurable improvements in key metrics:

  • Assembly Time: The time required to assemble a BHA was reduced by X%, resulting in faster operational readiness and improved overall project timelines.
  • Compliance Rate: The app’s automated validation and compliance checks significantly improved the compliance rate of BHAs, reducing the risk of non-compliant configurations and associated operational challenges.
  • Collaboration Efficiency: The real-time collaborative features of the app improved communication and collaboration between engineers, leading to faster decision-making, reduced rework, and increased overall productivity.


The development of the BHA Assembler and Validator app within the OGEMS suite by Parallel Minds has revolutionized the BHA assembly process in the oil and gas industry. By introducing features such as collaborative component placement, guided assembly, CAD model interface, cloud-based rule engine validation, and validation reporting, the app has significantly enhanced the accuracy, efficiency, and compliance of BHA configurations. The implementation of OGEMS has demonstrated Parallel Minds’ expertise in developing enterprise mobile apps specific to the oil and gas domain, driving digital transformation and operational excellence in the industry.


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VSM / Digital Transformation

VSM / Digital Transformation

This case study outlines how a global heat exchanger company overcame operational hurdles with Low-Code, No-Code solutions like Microsoft’s Power Platform and SharePoint. By implementing VSM (Value Stream Mapping), they streamlined workflows, enhanced order tracking, and improved analytics. Post-implementation, they experienced increased transparency, reduced onboarding times, and a shift towards LEAN manufacturing.


A global heat exchanger company, was struggling with challenges in recording new orders, tracking their progress, and providing real-time analytics to senior management. Their journey to operational excellence was catalyzed by the introduction of VSM – comprehensive LCNC workflow system underpinned by SharePoint and Microsoft’s Power Platform.

Objective: Digitize the lead to order to delivery tracking process


Customers business operations were mired in manual procedures, lacking standardization, and providing limited visibility into order progress and essential metrics. This opaque landscape was further exacerbated by fragmented communication channels and the underutilized ERP system.


Parallel Minds, in collaboration with customers digitalization team, harnessed the power of LCNC, leveraging Microsoft’s Power Platform to engineer VSM—a streamlined workflow system.

Key Features of VSM Developed Using LCNC
Centralized Workflow: A 14-stage business process workflow developed using Power App, ensuring consistent processes and accountability across regions.

Unified Order Management: SharePoint’s centralized platform for efficient order recording and real-time tracking.
Automated Alerts: The Power Automate/Flow system efficiently managed escalation and notification timelines, customized to user locations and roles.
Dashboard Analytics: The Power BI dashboard furnished comprehensive analytics, providing insights into key metrics like inventory status, order progress, and on-time delivery.

Role of SharePoint
Beyond the LCNC strategy, SharePoint was utilized as the cohesive platform bringing together all users and providing a singular platform for end-users and management across regions.

Value Delivered by Parallel Minds
Parallel Minds did offer a technical solution but also shaped the transformation journey of the customer.

  1. Deep Dive Process Expertise: Parallel Minds infused the project with invaluable process insights, driving optimization at every stage.
  2. Future-focused Enhancement: With pre-trained experts, Parallel Minds ensured that the VSM system was built with future scalability and continuous improvement in mind.


The VSM system was built on a robust tech stack, with LCNC at its core. The technologies harnessed included Power App, Power Automate/Flow, SharePoint, Power BI, Azure Security Group, and Dynamic 365 User Group.


  • Elevated operational transparency.
  • A reduced onboarding timeline for new plants from months to mere days.
  • Transition to LEAN manufacturing underpinned by the virtues of standardization, accountability, and visibility.


Through the embrace of LCNC with SharePoint and the Power Platform, customer not only addressed its operational challenges but achieved operational excellence. This transformation underscores the power of LCNC, revealing its potential to revolutionize enterprise workflows.


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Have a business challenge that requires a low code solution?

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Parallel Mind has been assisting Fortune 500 companies and established brands in building robust software foundations for over 16 years.

Jar Placement

Jar Placement

Overview OGEMS (Oil & Gas Enterprise Mobile Solutions Suite) developed by Parallel Minds for clients is a comprehensive suite of enterprise mobile apps designed to address various challenges faced by the oil and gas industry. With a focus on improving business productivity, reducing sales cycle time, enhancing equipment rental processes, and integrating off-shore and on-shore […]


OGEMS (Oil & Gas Enterprise Mobile Solutions Suite) developed by Parallel Minds for clients is a comprehensive suite of enterprise mobile apps designed to address various challenges faced by the oil and gas industry. With a focus on improving business productivity, reducing sales cycle time, enhancing equipment rental processes, and integrating off-shore and on-shore operations, OGEMS has become a game-changer in the industry. This case study highlights the impact of OGEMS and Parallel Minds’ expertise in developing enterprise mobile apps specific to the oil and gas domain.


Before the implementation of OGEMS, the process of determining optimal jar placement in well profiles was complex and time-consuming. Site engineers relied on manual calculations and reference materials to determine the best placement location, which often led to suboptimal results and increased the risk of unsuccessful operations. The lack of a streamlined and standardized process hindered the efficiency and effectiveness of jar placement operations.

As part of the OGEMS suite, Parallel Minds developed the Jar Placement app to revolutionize and optimize the jar placement process. This app introduced the following features, simplifying and enhancing the jar placement operation:

  • Well Profile Selection: The app allowed the site engineer to select the well profile type, either horizontal or vertical (S or J-shaped). This ensured that the app’s algorithms and calculations were tailored to the specific well geometry.
  • Guided Parameter Specification: The app provided a step-by-step guide to help the engineer choose and specify the standard parameters necessary for jar placement. This streamlined the parameter selection process and reduced the risk of errors.
  • Optimal Jar Placement: Using the specified parameters and advanced algorithms, the app generated a drill string with the jar placed at the optimal location within the well. This ensured that the maximum impact could be applied to the stuck point, increasing the chances of successful jar operations.
  • Interactive Jar Placement Adjustment: The app allowed the engineer to manually adjust the jar placement, taking into account their expertise and any additional factors. This interactive feature empowered the engineer to fine-tune the jar placement for maximum impact and operational success.
  • Data Export and Validation: Once the jar placement was finalized, the engineer could export the jar placement data and share it with the engineering team for validation and approval. This streamlined communication between site engineers and the engineering team, ensuring that the jar placement adhered to the required standards and operational objectives.


The implementation of the Jar Placement app within the OGEMS suite resulted in significant improvements in the jar placement process, leading to several benefits, including:

  • Improved Accuracy and Success Rate: The app’s advanced algorithms and guided parameter specification eliminated the reliance on manual calculations and reference materials, resulting in more accurate and optimal jar placement. This increased the success rate of jar operations and reduced the risk of unsuccessful interventions.
  • Time Savings and Efficiency: The streamlined and standardized process offered by the app reduced the time required for jar placement operations. The app’s automation and interactive features allowed site engineers to perform their tasks more efficiently, leading to overall time savings in the operational workflow.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: The app facilitated seamless communication and collaboration between site engineers and the engineering team. The ability to export and share jar placement data improved the validation and approval process, ensuring alignment with operational objectives.


Key Metrics Improved:

The implementation of the Jar Placement app within OGEMS resulted in measurable improvements in key metrics:

  • Jar Placement Accuracy: The app’s advanced algorithms and guided parameter specification improved the accuracy of jar placement, resulting in a higher success rate and a reduced need for rework or adjustments.
  • Time Savings: The streamlined process and interactive features of the app reduced the time required for jar placement operations, leading to increased operational efficiency and improved overall productivity.
  • Operational Success Rate: By enabling site engineers to generate optimal jar placement and apply maximum impact to the stuck point, the app contributed to an increased success rate of jar operations, minimizing downtime and costs associated with unsuccessful interventions.
  • Collaboration Efficiency: The app’s data export and sharing capabilities improved collaboration and communication between site engineers and the engineering team, facilitating faster validation and approval processes.


Parallel Minds’ development of the Jar Placement app as part of the OGEMS suite has revolutionized the jar placement process in the oil and gas industry.

By introducing features such as well profile selection, guided parameter specification, optimal jar placement generation, interactive adjustment, and data export for validation, the app has significantly enhanced the accuracy, efficiency, and collaboration in jar placement operations.

The implementation of OGEMS has demonstrated Parallel Minds’ expertise in developing enterprise mobile apps specific to the oil and gas domain, driving digital transformation and operational excellence in the industry.


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Have a business challenge that requires a low code solution?

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Parallel Mind has been assisting Fortune 500 companies and established brands in building robust software foundations for over 16 years.

Equipment Rentals and Workflows

Equipment Rentals and Workflows

Overview OGEMS (Oil & Gas Enterprise Mobile Solutions Suite) developed by Parallel Minds for clients is a comprehensive suite of enterprise mobile apps designed to address various challenges faced by the oil and gas industry. With a focus on improving business productivity, reducing sales cycle time, enhancing equipment rental processes, and integrating off-shore and on-shore […]


OGEMS (Oil & Gas Enterprise Mobile Solutions Suite) developed by Parallel Minds for clients is a comprehensive suite of enterprise mobile apps designed to address various challenges faced by the oil and gas industry. With a focus on improving business productivity, reducing sales cycle time, enhancing equipment rental processes, and integrating off-shore and on-shore operations, OGEMS has become a game-changer in the industry. This case study highlights the impact of OGEMS and Parallel Minds’ expertise in developing enterprise mobile apps specific to the oil and gas domain.


The equipment rental process in the oil and gas industry was time-consuming and cumbersome. Customers and site engineers faced challenges in checking equipment availability, generating quotes, and registering rental requests. The lack of a streamlined and efficient system often led to delays, manual errors, and miscommunication between stakeholders.

As part of the OGEMS suite, Parallel Minds developed the Equipment Rental Request app to transform and optimize the equipment rental process. This app revolutionized the way customers and site engineers managed equipment rentals by introducing the following features:

  • Equipment Availability Check: The app allowed customers and site engineers to browse through a comprehensive inventory of equipment and check real-time availability. They could easily search for specific equipment types, models, or configurations, ensuring they had access to the equipment they needed.
  • Equipment-Specific Form: Once an equipment selection was made, the app presented an equipment-specific form. This form captured all the necessary details related to the rental, such as duration, delivery location, and additional requirements.
  • Real-Time Quote Sheet: The app dynamically generated a quote sheet in real time based on the selected equipment and rental parameters. This provided customers and site engineers with immediate visibility into the rental costs and terms. Engineers could review and modify the quote before submitting it for customer approval.
  • Customer Approval Workflow: Upon submission, the app facilitated a streamlined approval workflow. The quote was automatically sent to the customer for review and approval. The app provided a secure and efficient communication channel for customers and site engineers to discuss and finalize the rental terms.
  • Automated Rental Registration: Once the customer approved the quote, the app automatically registered the rental request with the nearest service center or rental provider. This eliminated manual data entry and reduced the risk of errors or delays in processing rental orders.
  • Shipment Notification and ETA: The app integrated with logistics systems to track the status of the rental equipment. Once the equipment was shipped, the solution automatically sent notifications to the customer, providing them with the estimated time of arrival (ETA). This improved transparency and allowed customers to plan their operations accordingly.


The implementation of the Equipment Rental Request app within the OGEMS suite resulted in significant improvements in the equipment rental process, leading to several benefits, including:

  • Efficiency and Time Savings: The streamlined process of checking equipment availability, generating real-time quotes, and automating rental registrations reduced the time and effort required for rental transactions. This resulted in faster response times, enabling customers and site engineers to make timely decisions and avoid delays.
  • Improved Accuracy and Reduced Errors: By eliminating manual data entry and providing pre-defined forms, the app minimized the risk of errors and miscommunication during the rental process. This led to increased accuracy in rental terms, reducing disputes and improving overall customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Approval Workflow: The app facilitated efficient communication between customers and site engineers during the approval workflow. It provided a centralized platform for discussions, allowing stakeholders to review and finalize rental terms in a timely manner, improving collaboration and reducing delays.
  • Real-Time Visibility and Tracking: Integration with logistics systems allowed customers to track the status of their rental equipment and receive ETA notifications. This provided them with real-time visibility into the progress of their orders, enabling better planning and coordination of operations.


The implementation of the Equipment Rental Request app within OGEMS resulted in measurable improvements in key metrics:

  • Reduced Rental Cycle Time: The app significantly reduced the time taken to complete the rental process, from equipment selection to delivery, resulting in a faster rental cycle.
  • Increased Rental Order Accuracy: By automating the rental registration process, the app reduced manual errors and improved the accuracy of rental orders, minimizing the need for order corrections or reprocessing.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: The streamlined and transparent rental process, coupled with real-time visibility and ETA notifications, enhanced customer satisfaction by providing a seamless and reliable rental experience.
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: The app’s automation and integration capabilities improved operational efficiency by reducing manual tasks, eliminating redundant processes, and facilitating better coordination between stakeholders.


Parallel Minds’ development of the Equipment Rental Request app as part of the OGEMS suite has brought significant improvements to the equipment rental process.

By enabling customers and site engineers to browse and check equipment availability, generate real-time quotes, automate rental registrations, and provide shipment notifications

The app has revolutionized the rental experience and reduced email exchanges.

The streamlined process has resulted in reduced cycle times improved accuracy enhanced collaboration and increased customer satisfaction.

Through the implementation of OGEMS, Parallel Minds has successfully demonstrated their expertise in developing enterprise mobile apps specific to the oil and gas domain, driving digital transformation and operational efficiency in the industry.


More Case Studies

Have a business challenge that requires a low code solution?

Our Esteemed Clients

Parallel Mind has been assisting Fortune 500 companies and established brands in building robust software foundations for over 16 years.

Complaint Management System​

Complaint Management System​

The solution is meant for the Customer that have vast geographical expanse and operational diversity, facing challenges in standardizing and managing external customer complaints. This study explores the design and implementation of a comprehensive web system leveraging Microsoft’s Power Platform and SharePoint Online.

The goal is to streamline complaint registration, ensure timely response, provide global oversight, and automate reporting functionalities.


The organization faces operational inconsistencies due to a diverse structure spread across regions, leading to varying complaint processes. The focus on product complaints lacks a unified approach, with a need for streamlined documentation and rapid reporting within a one-week window. Essential data, including product details, is dispersed, hindering global oversight. Automation for quarterly summaries is imperative for consistent feedback. A solution is required to standardize processes, enhance documentation, and centralize data access for improved efficiency.






The collaboration between the customer IT and digital operations team and Parallel Minds can pave the way for a holistic solution tailored to the customer needs. With Power Apps facilitating user interactions, SharePoint managing data, and Power Automate handling workflows, external customer complaint management transformed, setting a new standard in efficiency and consistency.


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Have a business challenge that requires a low code solution?

Our Esteemed Clients

Parallel Mind has been assisting Fortune 500 companies and established brands in building robust software foundations for over 16 years.